Abhinav Bhatt's Ab's Weblog

Web Log where he shares his views, gives some news and leave
some clues for your mind to chew upon. You may help him
become a better writer by commenting on this blog.

  • Rated1.9/ 5
  • Updated 10 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Ab's Weblog

Going to vote baby!
Going to vote baby!
I can’t promise to not put up a candid inked selfie of my index finger after I vote tomorrow. It has been such a long time I last voted, in 2009 twice and both the times, the people for whom …...
10 Years Ago
It is slightly difficult being an Atheist, I feel. Without enraging a lot of people, one cannot follow/unfollow what one wants, when one wants, religion-wise. Personally, I do think there’s a higheâ...
10 Years Ago
When Nature Wants, It Takes It Back
When Nature Wants, It Takes It Back
There’s a garden near my apartment which ‘was’ used by the people for jogging, playing milder outdoor games and good old sitting and chatting (and romancing). Since last month, it…...
11 Years Ago