Its our tradition of Football !!!
Before starting our conversations, to make it clear, I am among those very few people of this country who had started following Indian foot......
7 Years Ago
For the diary, Thursday, 5th december, 2013
"Going through this highway, or that narrow village road i just crossed, they contain comething amazing, about everything, and you can le......
8 Years Ago
Biggest Football Derby Match in the World !!!
Salt Lake Stadium, Calcutta hosting the Derby Match Well on paper, one can say that its not the biggest. I know that Indian Football do......
9 Years Ago
Book Review - Ramayana : The Game of Life : Shattered Dreams (Book 2)
Title : Ramayana: The Game of Life: Shattered Dreams (Book 2) Author : Shubha Vilas Publisher : Jaico Publishing House ISBN : 978-81-849......
10 Years Ago
एक पोटली
""जाने का दिन है आज,एक पोटली लेकर जा रहा हूँ... यादों की पोटली, दोस्तों की पोटली, ...
10 Years Ago
नादानी.... पागलपन..... दिल का नाकाफीपन.....!!!!! अनमोल..... सुनहरा..... बचपन.....!!!! ...
10 Years Ago