Ajay Vyas's Ajay Vyas

This blog Contain my personaly viwes on diffrent topics
mainly about Love And Relationship .It also contain few
fiction story also

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Ajay Vyas

Everyone needs someone, even meme😀
Everyone needs someone, even meme😀
How can you not? I see it in your eyes.. I’ve seen the same look before in mine.. I don’t even look at people anymore when I walk down the street, I’m afraid they will be afraid o…...
2 Years Ago
बस तुम
बस तुम
तुम ही तुम दिखते हो हमे कुछ हुआ तो जरूर हैये आईने की भुल है या आपकी मस्त निगाह...
3 Years Ago
The Wolf
The Wolf
Once upon a time, I found myself in a deep, dark wood. It was cold and dark and there were many things hidden under the twisted branches waiting to tear me into pieces. I was terrified because I wa…...
3 Years Ago
काश बदनाम हो जायें
काश बदनाम हो जायें
Its better to find a person who change your life significantly intstead of finding a preson who will change your relationship status मेरी भी एक दुआ कुबूल हो जा...
4 Years Ago
Ever felt irritated of everything around you? Ever wanted to just be away from the world and to live just in your own built place of memories?Ever wanted to lock yourself there and never come back?…...
4 Years Ago
Why Relationships Fail….
Why Relationships Fail….
There are several reasons why relationships fail, and very few reasons why they succeed. If TRUE love is your goal, you won’t find it by building your relationships on earthly foundations. Soul mat...
4 Years Ago