Altanai Bisht's Telecom R &d

Its a blog in latest trends in telecommunication industry .
It talks about cutting edge technologies like webrtc ,
jainnslee , SIP / IMS .

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Telecom R &d

Encapsulting Protocols
Encapsulting Protocols
Secure Shell (SSH )Encapsulating protocols at Network LayerIP in IP Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload)Encapsulating protocols at Transport Layer TLS and Datagâ...
2 Years Ago
Multihoming protocols and mobility
Multihoming protocols and mobility
Low Layer Multihoming Layer 3 Network Layer multihomingLayer 4 Transport layer multihoming Higher Layer Multihoming techniquesBest Path Selection among multiple pathsFIFO or Round RobinWeights ( pr…...
2 Years Ago
Low Latency Media streaming
Low Latency Media streaming
Low latency is imperative for use cases that require mission-critical communication such as the emergency call for first responders, interactive collaboration and communication services, real-time …...
2 Years Ago
Fault Tolerance and Error Correction in WebRTC
Fault Tolerance and Error Correction in WebRTC
Fluctuating NetworksDynamic Bandwidth estimationJitterBufferDemand for High Quality Video Tradeoff between Latency vs Quality Better compression algorithms vs CPU computeFull INTRA-frame Request (F…...
3 Years Ago
AEC (Echo Cancellation) and AGC (Gain Control) in WebRTC
AEC (Echo Cancellation) and AGC (Gain Control) in WebRTC
Acoustic EchoHybrid / Electronic Echo in PSTN phonesNoise Suppression in WebRTCEcho CancellationWebRTC Echo CancellationAutomatic Gain Control (AGC) Echo is the sound of your own voice reverberatin…...
3 Years Ago
VoIP API design
VoIP API design
Public API endpoints Internal API gatewaysAPI Rate Limiter Token based Rate LimitingToken bucket filterHierarchical Token Bucket (HTB)Fair QueingCBQ (Class Based Queing)Modular QoS command-Line int…...
3 Years Ago