Quilled Candle holders
Paper quilled holders approx 3" in diameter , materials used . 5 mm quilling strips, glue and card paper . Please connect on our FB pa......
7 Years Ago
Decoupage and Sospeso Trasparente candle holders
Decoupage and Sospeso Trasparente flowers make a winning combination and I am glad that I tried this combo in the t-lite candle hold......
8 Years Ago
Quilled Wristwatch
Quilled wristwatches look beautiful and make a great gift for any occasion . It is no doubt a tough task as care has to be taken to k......
8 Years Ago
Paper quilled flowers
Quilling is a very interesting hobby and these 3 -D paper quilled flowers make a pretty picture! I decided to make a flower arrang......
8 Years Ago
Quilling Flowers
Quilling is a soothing hobby , its always exciting to see paper strips turn into beautiful flowers, leaves with little effort and glue......
8 Years Ago
Quilled Gift Envelopes
Gift envelopes 7" by 3 " with handcrafted paper quilling for sale at reasonable rates. Please contact me on my FB page Craft World feat......
8 Years Ago