Ankur Deokar's Truth That No One Dares To Speak

This blog brings about the plight of Dalits in todays India

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 15 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Truth That No One Dares To Speak

Buddha\'s solutions to poverty
Individual and group responsibility in the elimination of poverty in a society as portrayed in Buddhist literature "Dependant originati......
15 Years Ago
Untouchability and the Hug !!!
Untouchability and the Hug !!!
The visit of US President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, to the British “democratic kingdom” turned out to be historic not jus......
15 Years Ago
IITs: Doing Manu Proud !!!
IITs: Doing Manu Proud !!!
academic terrorism, casteism go unnoticed Dalit Media Network, Chennai Nandanar, a dalit rebel-activist of the bhakti period, sought a......
15 Years Ago
Remembering the heros.....
Remembering the heros.....
It has been 10 yrs.10 Years back 1024(Official) brave Indian soldiers laid down their lives for their motherland.On this day raising an is......
15 Years Ago
Tribute to Michael Jackson
Tribute to Michael Jackson
MJ the most popular man on the earth passed away recently leaving a void which will not be filled for a long time to come.Artist like him ......
15 Years Ago
Caste and Technology..Next door Neighbours !!!
We’ve achieved technological excellence in successfully executing a moon mission, but we can’t seem to shed the curse of untouchability. Now......
15 Years Ago