A Walk To Remember
I read a very cute post from a very dear friend of mine and she inspired me to pen down my own story :) It was 2012. Me and my husband (then friend) were really good friends since 2010. We were woâ€...
7 Years Ago
A couple of 55- Fiction (Fiction written using exactly 55 words or less) I wrote a while ago but missed to post them here. Actually I had totally forgotten I have a blog. :D 1- He sits there starin…...
7 Years Ago
The Gender Stereotypes
Recently a colleague of mine asked me if am married and if I am, why do I stay late at office despite having extra responsibilities at home.  I asked him if he would have asked the same to a male câ€...
7 Years Ago
A dream to remember
A wise person once said- A dream is not the one that you see when you are asleep rather the one that doesn’t let you sleep. Ever heard anybody mention about dreams that neither let’s yo…...
7 Years Ago
The Power Of Will
While walking to office today my mind wandered to my school days. I have many fond memories of those innocent childhood days but there is just one that pricks me till date. The day I let myself dow…...
8 Years Ago
10 things to do when it’s raining
1. Call in sick to office. 2. Sleep until your stomach starts to growl and make sandwiches for breakfast. :D I usually don’t like sandwiches but rain makes it yummy. 3. Go to the terrace and get drâ...
10 Years Ago