Aparna Sanjay's Adventures In Mommyland

I write on parenting, my kids and their kidisms, travel and

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  • Updated 4 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from Adventures In Mommyland

Spring break in Bay Area
Spring break in Bay Area
The kids' calendars aligned for spring break, so we decided to spend it in the SFO Bay area. We have been planning to visit the Bay Area for......
4 Months Ago
Sweet beginnings
My parents celebrated their golden anniversary in January and I organized a week-long vacation in Sri Lanka for the three of us. I left for ......
6 Months Ago
2023 Recap
What a whirlwind year 2023 has been!  THE most eventful year of our married life.  January - we started seeing our new house coming up. What......
8 Months Ago
The Gratitude Project - Update 2023
A few years ago, we embarked on an ambitious “Gratitude project”. I was reading my old post where I wrote: “ Our family is definitely more g......
9 Months Ago
College move-in
College move-in
When Ads was a toddler, he was a stickler for routine (he still is). Predictability was key to avoid meltdowns so if there was going to be a......
12 Months Ago
Match-ing matching
6570 days. Of loving safeguarding observing teaching listening and letting go.   Learning to be vigilantly nonchalant, lovingly tough, fearf......
1 Year Ago