Avi Sharma

Avi Sharma's Forty Winks

finding my long lost passion -writing

  • Rated2.0/ 5
  • Updated 4 Months Ago

Recent blog posts from Forty Winks

Poem - Ignis Fatuus
dance of the fireflies    In the realm between shadows and light, illusions dance,  A phantasm, a trick of sight.  Whispers draw me clos......
4 Months Ago
Think Piece - Is Originality Dead ? https://ifp.world/
I put so much effort into writing this think piece. It was part of a 50-hour challenge by   https://ifp.world/   but as writers, we know tha......
4 Months Ago
Sometimes Sweet Sometimes Silly Short Stories - Patterns In The Sky
Sometimes Sweet Sometimes Silly Short Stories - Patterns In The Sky
(  The short story fiction category was chosen for an online writing competition. The story began as a 50-word submission I wrote for a prom......
5 Months Ago
Poem - Phoenix
Poem - Phoenix
Phoenix   They said I had it all. I woke up on a bed of roses, without a worry in the world, as destiny smiled on me daily. Unaccountable......
5 Months Ago
कुछ स्वाल कुछ बातें - आग
आग  जलना है तो जलो जी भर ,  मै रहूँगी साथ ,  र...
6 Months Ago
Sometimes Silly , Sometimes Sweet - Dear M
Sometimes Silly , Sometimes Sweet - Dear M
          ( This short story was selected in an online writing competition.)                                                                ......
6 Months Ago