Beena Bandwalkar

Beena Bandwalkar's Beauty, Style, Life And More

I love creativity. Whether it's makeup or crafting I try to
make my visions into reality. Here are my experiments mixed
with sprinkles of random ramblings here and there.

  • Rated2.2/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Beauty, Style, Life And More

When your home laundry machine is not enough
When your home laundry machine is not enough
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Easy moving in North Ohio With Bearded Brothers.
Easy moving in North Ohio With Bearded Brothers.
For those that are constantly moving, you might be a pro but for those who haven’t moved a lot, there are some easy tips to help you move with ease and efficiency. What are these little secrets? Iâ...
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Is MicroPigmentation the new IT thing in hair treatments??
Is MicroPigmentation the new IT thing in hair treatments??
I grew up in the 90s where technology was limited to AOL and pagers. Beauty treatments were just your regular haircuts and brow waxes And no one thought these two would ever come together. Cut to n...
3 Years Ago
Well, Hello 2020! - Beauty and Everything Else
Well, Hello 2020! - Beauty and Everything Else
Hey everyone, First of all - huge apologies. I started this space to share my love of playing with makeup, experimenting with skincare, making lovely friends and then, fell into that crappy trap of co...
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MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft and Gentle Review, Swatches - Beauty and Everything Else
MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft and Gentle Review, Swatches - Beauty and Everything Else
Ever since I’ve seen them, I wanted at least one MSF in my stash. I’d have never cared for it before but being a blogger has really changed my outlook. I don’t binge buy products but I have some...
10 Years Ago
Quick romping around the city|FOTD series-4! - Beauty and Everything Else
Quick romping around the city|FOTD series-4! - Beauty and Everything Else
Hey girls.. hope you all are having a great week..   I am still buzzed with low energy and doing the home hence lack of posts..  meanwhile, what do you think about this look? We went to fort Lauderd...
10 Years Ago