A star Indian cricketer\'s letter to his fans
Hi guys, Let me take you back to a time when you, the volatile fans, pelted our penthouse, tarred our expensive walls and burnt our effigies......
1 Year Ago
ওরা, আমরা এবং মার্কসবাদ
আমাকে সচরাচর দু’ধরনের লোক ফোন করে: প্রথমত টেলিকলাররা, যারা আমাকে নিঃশর্ত লো...
1 Year Ago
Why Kohli\'s exit is a tragedy test cricket didn\'t deserve
Contrary to popular perception, test cricket is not doing great, and I'm not even looking beyond the 'Big Three' because it's too dark out......
3 Years Ago
Spreading rumour and humour.
Mail your brickbats and bouquets to: babumoshoy@gmail.com...
7 Years Ago
Salmon Khan
Spreading rumour and humour.
Mail your brickbats and bouquets to: babumoshoy@gmail.com...
7 Years Ago