Bhavika Jhaveri's The World As We Know It

Altering perception and evolving consciousness in these
changing times

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Destiny Dynamics: The Art of Living Life to the Nth Degree

Updated 5 Years Ago

Destiny Dynamics: The Art Of Living Life To The Nth Degree
“Not everyone has a destiny; only the hero who has plunged to touch it, and has come up again ~ with a ring.” ~ Joseph Campbell Destiny is a tricky thing. It’s both searching for you (organically and energetically) and sought by you (subconsciously or consciously). But for most people there is a thick cloudy wall erected between them and their destiny. There’s a threshold or a crossroads of some sort that must be passed or overcome. But most people never gain the wherewithal to even reach that point, let alone to have a deep experience of destiny. Why is
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