Saravana's Its My Say

It's my take on the variety of things that I see happening

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Its My Say

The ONLY question to be asked in an interview!
The ONLY question to be asked in an interview!
As an interviewer how many of us have felt " How many more should I need to ask to be sure I have asked enough? " As an app......
5 Years Ago
An All-Hands Referendum
An All-Hands Referendum
Photo by   Perry Grone   on  Unsplash          There were no historical references on since when the Left hand started wiping ......
5 Years Ago
Delicious.com - Discover Yourself!
Keep, share, and discover the best of the Web using Delicious, the world's leading social bookmarking service....
7 Years Ago
My Civil War | The Untold Story
My Civil War | The Untold Story
       In light of the whole Bengaluru Mass Molestation being discussed and shared throughout social media a lot of thoughts surfaced i......
7 Years Ago
My Civil War | The Untold Story
My Civil War | The Untold Story
       In light of the whole Bengaluru Mass Molestation being discussed and shared throughout social media a lot of thoughts surfaced i......
7 Years Ago
Life Experiments | The Beard Cult
Life Experiments | The Beard Cult
                       Life has pretty much been a 'going with the (family) wind ' as far as decisions related to how I look ed......
8 Years Ago