The First PC
First PC, The MITS Altair 8800 used BASIC language interpreter by Bill Gates and assembler program by Digital Research Corporation. ......
14 Years Ago
Top 10 tech Stories of the Decade
1. The dot-com deathwatch 2. Microsoft is busted 3. Apple launches the iPod, and gets back on track 4. HP ties the knot with Compaq 5. Goog......
15 Years Ago
factors for pen selection
In that order, as far as I am concerned 1 - Grip - the most important 2 - nip/size of ball in ball pen (0.5/0.7) 3 - in case for ball point......
15 Years Ago
Sculptors of Indian IT Industry
15 Years Ago
too long list to be treated as hobbies
Music/Guitaring/DAncing Photography Blogging Sanskrit Quiz Stamps/Currencies Stationary Sports(swimming, Tennis) Reading (IT, Finance, Econo......
15 Years Ago
CFTP - yet another acronym
C - Courage/confidence/commitment F - Faith in you T - Tolerance P - Patience/Perseverance/Passion yet another acronym of qualities that w......
15 Years Ago