Damayanti's Raiseatoast

The sparkle of all good things in life touches our heart &
instills confidence to get better. This blog is a diary of
life as I see it, my experiences, my learning’s and my

  • Rated2.0/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Raiseatoast

Book Review - The Brahmin
Book Review - The Brahmin
Book: The Brahmin Author: Ravi Shankar Etteth Publication: Westland Publishers Genre: Historical Thriller     Being fond of thriller literature, I was happy to get a copy of ‘The Brahmin’…...
6 Years Ago
Social memories Vs Social apps
Missing Something? (reblogged from Mycity4kids.com) The cheesy chicken roast sits sizzling on the table while the group of young bloods go on a selfie spree. A dozen selfies get clicked. In one the…...
7 Years Ago
Review - Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman
Review - Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman
Pulitzer Prize winner Robert K Massie offers the tale of a princess who went to Russia at 14 and became one of the most powerful women in history. The portrayal of the rise of Catherine the Great w…...
7 Years Ago
Book Review - Finding Juliet
Book Review - Finding Juliet
Book: Finding Juliet Author: Toffee Publication: Srishti Publishers Genre: Fiction This is a story of young man Arjun and his search of true love which he finds after meandering through the learni...
8 Years Ago
Sixth Sense
I’m feeling cosy inside and I’m curling up a little more that I usually do.  I can feel a soft misty breeze and can breathe the crisp scented air. The soft warmth around makes me calm and puts me...
8 Years Ago
Dreams come true…literally
Dreams come true…literally
Today is again a Sunday! And like every Sunday I first read through the horoscope. I never believed horoscopes. May be I believed. Don’t know if I really believed it ever or I just had fun in…...
8 Years Ago