Smriti divvya barua

Smriti Divvya Barua's Sarah's Princess Collection

A blogger by passion, I love to bring creative ramblings on
a platform as I see it through the lens of a lover, a friend
n more. Beautiful Things For a Beautiful You!

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  • Updated 5 Months Ago

Christmas Delights, Memories of the by gone years . - Sarah's Princess Collection

Updated 6 Years Ago

Christmas Delights, Memories Of The By Gone Years . - Sarah
For it is in giving that we receive…. Ever since I was a little girl, Christmas was part of our festivity. We would come home for our winter holidays at the end of November, each year and get busy with Christmas celebrations. Being born and brought up in the verdant Tea Gardens of Assam this festival heralded the never ending celebrations of the winter months. After the “Children’s Christmas party” the Tea club’s celebrations would begin for the elders and till we turned to teenagers we had to make do with jam sessions on Sundays at the numerous clubs in
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