Smriti divvya barua

Smriti Divvya Barua's Sarah's Princess Collection

A blogger by passion, I love to bring creative ramblings on
a platform as I see it through the lens of a lover, a friend
n more. Beautiful Things For a Beautiful You!

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  • Updated 5 Months Ago

Collective Creativity from - Sarah's Princess Collection

Updated 3 Years Ago

Collective Creativity From - Sarah
An amalgamation of creativity,arts and aesthetics sum up online shopping site, is a space that celebrates “collective creations” of artisans across the country;their stories and narratives weaved into their arts, be it handlooms,toys or home decor. For centuries,artisans have been passing on their legacy as handicraft to their next generation and it is shopping sites like these that we get to explore this vibrant world of handloom and handmade products online.It is a store that understands Indian shopping needs while at the same time helps in developing a sustainable model for craftsmen to showcase their products. is a perfect
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