Smriti divvya barua

Smriti Divvya Barua's Sarah's Princess Collection

A blogger by passion, I love to bring creative ramblings on
a platform as I see it through the lens of a lover, a friend
n more. Beautiful Things For a Beautiful You!

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  • Updated 5 Months Ago

Curated Gifts for Diwali - Sarah's Princess Collection

Updated 6 Years Ago

Curated Gifts For Diwali - Sarah
The puja celebrations followed by Dussera have just got over and we are slowly returning to work after an enjoyable week of festivities, good food  and not to forget the main issue, spirituality;the connection with the Divine.however,after a few days there will be another festival which all of us enjoy and that is of Diwali, the festival of lights.One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolizes the “victory of light over darkness, good over evil” and “knowledge over ignorance”. In the run up to the celebrations, a lot needs to be done, one of them being shopping for
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