Smriti divvya barua

Smriti Divvya Barua's Sarah's Princess Collection

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  • Updated 5 Months Ago

Earrings.What to wear in 2018. - Sarah's Princess Collection

Updated 6 Years Ago

Earrings.What To Wear In 2018. - Sarah
  Earrings! This is an accessory which I love and can never get tired of buying.In fact it is the easiest way to make a statement. A simple dress or a sari can be accentuated with this piece of jewelry.You can pull it off without a neck piece or any other accessories and attend a party straight from work, if you have the right earrings with you.So, I think one can build up the jewelry collection by focusing a little more on the earpiece.Trends by the fashionista this season are(a few that I like) :   #1  Tassel Earings The
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