Smriti divvya barua

Smriti Divvya Barua's Sarah's Princess Collection

A blogger by passion, I love to bring creative ramblings on
a platform as I see it through the lens of a lover, a friend
n more. Beautiful Things For a Beautiful You!

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  • Updated 5 Months Ago

Wangala Festival of Meghalaya - Sarah's Princess Collection

Updated 6 Years Ago

Wangala Festival Of Meghalaya - Sarah
On the western side of the beautiful state of Meghalaya,in the North east of India,are the Garo hills. A hot spot of rich bio diversity, it is also a region of culture and traditional tales of myths and legends.The dominant tribe in this region are the Garo people who live across this hilly terrain,hence the name Garo hills.The Garos are indigeneous Tibeto-Burman ethnic group and the second-largest tribe in Meghalaya after the Khasis. They have a rich tradition and celebrate festivals which are mostly agriculture based. One of the most popular festivals of the Garo people is the “Wangala”or The
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