How Reiki helps in Suicidal Tendencies
Pain & Stress are part of our life but if it becomes chronic, it turns into depression. An untreated depression can lead someone to have suicidal tendencies. Sometimes, it is absolutely okay to…...
7 Years Ago
Treatment for Speech Disorder (Cure for Stammering)… Part 2
What is Stammer and what are its causes ? Stammer or Stutter is not the disease itself but the condition or the symptom caused by  a disease / disorder. Causes for stammer and its intensity are indâ€...
8 Years Ago
What is Reiki !
If one is familiar about concept of energy of 5 elements namely Sky, Air, Fire, Water & Earth, for them Reiki will be easy to understand. Since thousands of years, knowledge of these 5 elements…...
8 Years Ago
Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (Cure for ADD)
Symptoms of the Patient before Treatment: Unable to concentrate Lack of Focus Extremely forgetful Absent-mindedness & Dull Easy irritability Very less communicative During Sessions and Post-Rei…...
8 Years Ago
Treatment for Neurological Disorder ( Cure for Migraine )
Symptoms of the Patient before Treatment: 1)Â Â Â Â Â Display of white spots in front of eye before migraine attack started. 2)Â Â Â Â Â Extreme and unbearable headache since beginning of migraine a...
10 Years Ago
Helio-therapy / Sun-bath : Treatment by Sunlight
Earth entirely depends on the sun for heat,light and life ! Life of human being, animal and plants depends entirely on the energy radiated by the sun. Its importance is recognized since the existen…...
11 Years Ago