You\'re fine, how am I?
Some hurts Sit in a deep, dark corner Waiting to resurface And grab you by the throat To Make their presence known. Some memories Lurk at th......
2 Years Ago
If I whisper….
If I whisper... will someone hear? I have been quiet here. But it's a chaos in my head, and that's nothing new. A lot has happened in the y......
3 Years Ago
Oh, the innocence!
M came up to me a couple of days ago with a printed sheet. "Mommy, look at this page that the printer printed". It was a test page the prin......
9 Years Ago
Oh, the innocence!
M came up to me a couple of days ago with a printed sheet. "Mommy, look at this page that the printer printed". It was a test page the prin......
9 Years Ago
My Two Cents
My silence speaks volumes in the calls I don't make, conversations I don't carry, halfhearted smiles I smile. My silence speaks volu......
9 Years Ago
My Two Cents
My silence speaks volumes in the calls I don't make, conversations I don't carry, halfhearted smiles I smile. My silence speaks volu......
9 Years Ago