Kelebihan FIlm Indonesia, Jembatan Pensil 2017
Sebenarnya jika dilihat dari kualitas gambar lebih keren laskar pelangi. Tetapi kalau dari ide ceritanya kedua film ini laskar pelangi dan j......
6 Years Ago
The great British crime/thriller author Peter Robinson is back with a series that Stephen King referred to as "the best series now on ......
7 Years Ago
Book of Shadows By Alexandra Sokoloff
Every time I pick up a book by Alexandra Sokoloff, I know I'm in for a good treat. I was not disappointed with this her last supernatur......
7 Years Ago
Beep You! You Beep Hole - The Black Book of Indian Cuss & Slurs
Book Review - After a long time, I laughed with my mouth wide open and thanks to this ‘no-nonsense’ but ‘just for fun’ book, interestingly......
8 Years Ago
Tete-a-tete with Shiv Khera
In a recent interview with motivational speaker, author, business consultant and politician Shiv Khera, I managed to dig deep into his pers......
8 Years Ago
Connect The Dots by Rashmi Bansal
Book review - “Connect the Dots”, is a book that brings forth the true stories of people who made it big, without any degrees. This book i......
8 Years Ago