My New Book \'One Day in the life of Javed Khan\' is out now!
Really excited to tell you that my novel 'One Day in the life of Javed Khan' has been accepted by Ukiyoto Publishing, Canada and is now on......
3 Years Ago
Something I can BRAG about!!
Happy to tell you that two of my poems have found a place in the lovely BRAG literary magazine published from Manchester, UK 😊 Thank you BR......
4 Years Ago
In sketch pen...
4 Years Ago
Goddess for Nine Days
Mixed media on A5 paper Original work...
4 Years Ago
Enough Is Enough
Even Mahatma Gandhi would have lost his cool today. #rapeculture Medium- FC Pitt pens on A5 paper Color Version in FC Polys...
4 Years Ago
The joy of nothingness! In FC Pitt Pens...
4 Years Ago