Of Gods n goddesses, fine dining and finding things - part 1
Kannur is a quirky land. With quirks that are lovable to the Kannur folk, but very weird, initially at least, for the non Kannureans. Our......
4 Years Ago
To get to read or not to
Sonny boy used to LOVE being read to. But as he grows up, while he does read, I cannot call him a book lover :-( Both the Acha and myself ......
7 Years Ago
The reading bug bites again, phew!
It had been ages since I'd read any new books. I just couldn't seem to find the concentration to keep at it, or rather the luxury of time t......
7 Years Ago
Renewing jottings
Its been a while that I've been thinking to restart my blog. So many happenings left unrecorded, except for short notes on FB. And FB doesn......
7 Years Ago
Fatal February
Looking back, I think that Feb spelt misfortune for Trinity. When we brought her home, after that terrible, horrible wound/burn in her th......
8 Years Ago
Of dogs- well trained and otherwise
Sonny Boy is in Cochin for part of the Xmas hols. An uncle there has a dog, Micky. Ever since Trin left us, he's been happy to be with an......
9 Years Ago