Mommy Diaries - 9 : My Baby turns 7
This little child , whose birth has been the most prominent experience in my life ever and whose birth I can still remember like it happe......
6 Years Ago
Commonalities between Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi
This is my entry for an Essay Writing Competition ( word limit of 500 )conducted by India Club South Africa ( July 2018 ). Nelson Ma......
6 Years Ago
My Child is growing up……….
So fast. And I really miss this baby and toddler Mahati. These days whenever she sleeps, I can’t help but sit beside her with emoti......
6 Years Ago
Sanju - Some personal thoughts !
I wouldn't want to comment on Sanjay Dutt's real life and how well the film justifies his real life. I am not here to judge the correct......
6 Years Ago
Gratitude Journals - 3
I have to remind myself of how lucky I am you know :). There is one such event which I would like to remember for long and would want Mahat......
7 Years Ago
Mommy Diaries - 8
Dear Mahati, Today let’s talk about beauty. It is such a complicated concept you know. But still, I want you to try and underst......
7 Years Ago