The auspicious Purushottam Month comes to an end
Purushottam Month, which had started on 17th of June, 2015 has come to an end today, the 16th July, 2015.  Purushottam Month is also known as Adhik Maas (Extra Month). Vaishnava Calender which follâ€...
9 Years Ago
‘The Madhurashtakam’ - A Prayer Song that will fill your Heart with Joy
There are many prayer songs, dedicated to my Lord, which I love to listen over and over again.  One such prayer song is ‘The Madhuastakam’. Every time, I listen to this prayer song, my …...
9 Years Ago
Importance of Cows in Hinduism
I have seen the film PK recently. Though, I appreciated the film to a great extent for showing a broader perspective towards the practice of religion, I would like to express my opinion on the poin…...
10 Years Ago
Shri Krishna Jansmashtami Celebrations at ISKCON Bahrain
Last 10 days, we were in a mood of bliss and celebration. The celebration was of Shri Krishna Janmashtami, the appearance day of Lord Shri Krishna. All the 10 days, classes were held, at our Temple…...
10 Years Ago
ShriKrishna Janmashtami : The Day to celebrate the appearance of The Lord on Earth
Lord Krishna is considered to be the complete incarnation or avatars of Lord Vishnu. ‘Krishna’ means ‘The one who is all-attractive’. Lord is believed to all-pervading. The …...
10 Years Ago
What can we learn from Ramayana?
The Ramayana is an Epic poem from India written in Sanskrit language. The epic derived its name from the name of its hero, ‘Lord Rama’ and ‘his journey’ which in Sanskrit is ‘ayana’[Journe...
10 Years Ago