Data structure interview questions Part 13
Q : What's the major distinction in between Storage structure and file structure and how? A: The expression of an specific data structure......
12 Years Ago
Data structure interview questions Part 12
Data structure interview question :What is mean by d-queue? Answer :D-queue stands for double ended queue. It is a abstract data structure ......
14 Years Ago
Data structure interview questions Part 11
Data structure interview question :What do you mean by: Syntax Error, Logical Error, Run time Error? Answer : Syntax Error -Syntax Error i......
14 Years Ago
Data structure interview questions Part 10
Data structure interview question :Create an singly linked lists and reverse the lists by interchanging the links and not the data? Answer: ......
14 Years Ago
Data structure interview questions Part 9
Data structure interview question: Stack can be described as a pointer. Explain? Answer :Because stack will contain a head pointer which wi......
15 Years Ago
Data structure interview questions Part 8
Data structure interview question :Convert the given graph with weighted edges to minimal spanning tree Answer :The equivalent minimal sp......
15 Years Ago