Airavata 1: Elephant Tales
This blog post is part of the Airavata1microbloghop hosted by MeeraVBarath Serendipity is something I believe in. I am delighted each t......
3 Years Ago
Airavata: Stories for Children & the child in you
This blog post is part of the Airavata1microbloghop hosted by MeeraVBarath Serendipity is something I believe in. I am delighted eac......
3 Years Ago
Beauty be held
A tiny tale He: I will love you as long as you are beautiful. She: I will be beautiful as long as you love me! ...
4 Years Ago
Dust bunnies skitter merrily away As I chase them with my broom Though I did it just yesterday, The laundry doth again loom. ......
4 Years Ago
Naked Beneath the Midnight Sun by Kamalini Natesan: A Review
This novel can be called a garden of the five senses. It reads at a languorous pace, taking the reader into sylvan surroundings, a pastora......
5 Years Ago
Review of \"From An-Other Land\" by Tanushree Ghosh
Friends! I am not addressing you, the readers, but remembering the iconic sitcom from where many of us got our images of life in the US......
6 Years Ago