A blog about relationships, fiction, travel and everything in a normal mans life with a dose of humor and opinion...
7 Years Ago
Book review - A train to Pakistan by Khushwanth Singh
A blog about relationships, fiction, travel and everything in a normal mans life with a dose of humor and opinion...
8 Years Ago
Love in the time of Whatsapp
A blog about relationships, fiction, travel and everything in a normal mans life with a dose of humor and opinion...
8 Years Ago
Ganga Snaanam...
A blog about relationships, fiction, travel and everything in a normal mans life with a dose of humor and opinion...
9 Years Ago
Book review - Farenheit 451
A blog about relationships, fiction, travel and everything in a normal mans life with a dose of humor and opinion...
9 Years Ago
A blog about relationships, fiction, travel and everything in a normal mans life with a dose of humor and opinion...
9 Years Ago