Coming soon.
10 Years Ago
Define: Happiness
Define: Happiness. 'The state of being happy'. Okay, then Define: Happy. 'Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment'. Contentment. ......
11 Years Ago
Of Paints and Canvases
Something that I haven't shared here for a while now. My recent work with Acrylic. A 3-piece painting. Extremely attached to this part......
11 Years Ago
How To Waste Time Properly
With all this free time I'm startled at how confused one could get when at a point you barely managed to cut your toe nails and suddenly yo......
11 Years Ago
My Kabir.. for You.
And here's my very first piece of art on sale. A very dear painting of mine inspired by a gorgeous lady I know who also happened to give me......
11 Years Ago
Ud Jayega Hans Akela
Ever since I saw this magnificent Kathak performance on Kabir's Ud Jayega Hans Akela , I've been spellbound by this song. And the lyrics. ......
11 Years Ago