From New Delhi |

March 10
About Me
Some people live in the world of the words and I am one of them. Writing helps me channelize my thoughts. Other than this I love to travel. I find traveling one of the most democratic activities as it broadens your horizon and makes you sensitive and tolerant about other cultures.
My other passions include Trekking and Biking.
"Keep an open mind and flow with river", my tip to the fellow travelers.
Born and brought up in Delhi, I am still in a development phase, trying to absorb as much as I can through these travels and explorations.
Occasionally I try to scream my thoughts through my blogs Bra Strap and Because it Matters which are themed on social and women issues. And at times I chronicle the nuances from my travels through the travelogues: Travels of Mast and Malang & Unseen Kutch