Dividing Line
And some nights, I swear
it is so dark
even God cannot see us....
6 Years Ago
Why do you bother to think, he said.
Leave that to me
You have no need to talk,
You have my talk....
6 Years Ago
Maya’s Mirror
I think there is more to life than acquaintance or social relativism. The tribal peoples connect to the earth. People who follow a lunar calendar based traditions seem to be more sensitive c…...
7 Years Ago
My Shiva and Parvati I am Khiron
In that moment I felt only a deep warmth for Khan Bhai: ever faithful, ever sincere.
Our eyes met.
“Salaam” he said, his fingers tracing his thoughts:”my mind, my breath, my heart”.
8 Years Ago
Ram Mohan Roy: Renaissance Man of Destiny
Ram Mohan offered Indians a way out of the divisive corruptions while retaining Indian self respect by rediscovering Hindu monotheism. He argued that these were an ‘allegoric adoration’ which ha...
9 Years Ago
Akbar to Independence and Beyond: Middle class India and after
You are the salt of the land” wrote Alan Octavian Hume in 1883 “and if amongst even you, the elite, fifty men cannot be found with sufficient power of self sacrifice, sufficient love for and pride...
9 Years Ago