Krishnan's Learning Daily

Learning Daily is my personal blog to capture my fleeting

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  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Learning Daily

Why do people change? | Learning Daily
Why do people change? | Learning Daily
People change when they:- Hurt enough that they have to- See enough that they are inspired to- Learn enough that they want to- Receive enough that they are able toJohn C. Maxwell...
2 Years Ago
Living for others is a rule of nature | Learning Daily
Living for others is a rule of nature | Learning Daily
Rivers do not drink their own waterTrees do not eat their own fruitThe sun does not shine on itselfFlowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves Living for others is a rule of natureWe are all ...
2 Years Ago
| Learning Daily
| Learning Daily
Don't be anxious about your future - be quiet now and all will fall in place. The unexpected is bound to happen, while the anticipated may never come.Don't tell me you cannot control your nature. You ...
2 Years Ago
| Learning Daily
| Learning Daily
No person has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their power not to want what they don’t have, and to cheerfully put to good use what they do have.Seneca...
2 Years Ago
| Learning Daily
| Learning Daily
Your competition isn't other people.Your competition is your procrastination. Your ego. The unhealthy food you're consuming, the knowledge you neglect. The negative behavior you're nurturing and your ...
2 Years Ago
Miracle of the divine | Learning Daily
Miracle of the divine | Learning Daily
Life of each life form is like complex string puppetry with numerous strings. While control through some strings seems to be apparent, there are other strings of which it is not clear who controls the...
2 Years Ago