Burst of Emotions
Burst of emotions. Too many types of 'em, one after the other, in a short span of time. She hadn't felt this alive in ages, what with the pa......
3 Years Ago
The Buffet Encounter
He saw her come in to the buffet breakfast area with her friend. She was wearing her pyjamas; no doubt the ones she'd gone to bed with the p......
4 Years Ago
Thoughts, Identity and More
If not anything, this pandemic situation and the lock-down has given us time to think, to retrospect, to introspect, to maybe even unnece......
4 Years Ago
The weekend that was. Is.
To say that this trip has been fruitful will be an understatement. I have had the best time, coming back to my place of residence after 25 y......
4 Years Ago
Magical Night
The cold wind caresses flushed cheeks The mop of hair has a mind of its own Should it be reined back in or let to fly with the wind? The ......
5 Years Ago
Cinematic Brilliance by Rakshit Shetty and Team
I have always been a big fan of Rakshit Shetty’s style of filmmaking and there was no way I was going to miss watching Avane Srimannaraya......
5 Years Ago