Musings...Dedicated to my daughter...
In the last post I discussed how I happened to know about Warren Buffet. Unlike many, my encounter with Buffet was ambiguous. I didn't know ......
4 Years Ago
Metamorphosis...Knowing Buffet...
Hi, It's been so much time since I last wrote my blog. I feel I have changed quite a bit. I'm aged 33 now. Married. Have an understanding w......
4 Years Ago
Suicide at IIT - Review by Anusha Judith, WritersMelon
My Review Of Suicide At IIT Suicide is a topic that elicits a lot of curiosity in people. Everyone is interested to know the why, ......
10 Years Ago
Kafka and Dostoevsky as \"Blood Relatives\"
Glad there is a connection.. Kafka's private library, unfortunately recorded a decade after his death, contained Dostoevsky's "Letters", ......
10 Years Ago
Kafka and Dostoevsky as \"Blood Relatives\"
Glad there is a connection.. Kafka's private library, unfortunately recorded a decade after his death, contained Dostoevsky's "Letters", ......
10 Years Ago
Book Review: Animal Farm
“All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” – Animal Farm Animal Farm is a satirical novel by George Orwell targeti......
11 Years Ago