New Blog
I have been writing here since 2004. So, much of my life is here. I remember reading in a newspaper that there wa s something called weblog......
8 Years Ago
Things I Never Say In Front of My Son
Being mindful means being aware about the situation and being aware about your reactions to the situations. The most ideal situation is ce......
11 Years Ago
The Magic of Outdoors
Every parent of my generation agrees over the benefits of spending time outdoors for kids, and laments about how kids are spending fewer h......
11 Years Ago
Raising Boys
There is this child, who is in the habit of hitting all other kids without any provocation. She happens to be a girl. The other day, she h......
11 Years Ago
When The Days Are Long, But The Years Are Short
“The days are long, but the years are short.” ― Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morn......
11 Years Ago
The Pseudo-Expert
Recently, a friend [fed up of all the Facebook Shares that I do of my posts on Parentous, I am sure], raised his concerns about my ‘expert......
11 Years Ago