Site Launcher - Launch sites in a jiffy.
I just love Firefox. I know
it’s not the fastest
browser or the most
compliant – but the tiny
extension to browsers that
are available for Firefox –
just make it too p…...
15 Years Ago
Markadee - Accomplish your goals
Markadee allows you to
create calendars of task
that you wish to
accomplish. You can mark
out days on which you
performed your task and
write a description of your
task. It has a pretty simp…...
15 Years Ago
Yahoo Smily - Nostalgia
It’s been a long
time since I wrote a
program that’s
really satisfying. I was just
going through some of my
old stuff and I came across
things that I thought were
really nifty. T…...
15 Years Ago
Survs - Create your Survey
Survs is a site that lets you
create you own surveys
and distribute and track
the results. The site has an
amazing interface –
everything is Ajax based
and everything fits into
16 Years Ago
Conduit toolbar - Create your Customised toolbar
Once in a while you come
across a web site which so
innovative that all you can
do is sit back and say
‘wow’ who could
have thought of that!
Conduit toolbar is once
such amazing…...
16 Years Ago
Dopple Me - Online Avtaar
Dopple me is a website that
allows you to create a
avatar that you use in any
web site. Just by changing
the avatar at one place
your avatar would change
at all places that the
16 Years Ago