Shamik Bhattacharya

Shamik Bhattacharya's The Chronicles Of A Creative Mind

This blog is about all those words that wriggle around in my
brains. it is a platform to bring them to life, to tell the
world about the untold chronicles of this creative mind.

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from The Chronicles Of A Creative Mind

The Third Kind
The Third Kind
5..4..3..2..1. Green! The signal was green. The traffic started again. Everyone was in a hurry. The loud honks and the sudden hustling were creating a cacophony piercing through the city’s tone. It...
8 Years Ago
The ‘Hoax Call’ Diaries - [Episode 9]
The ‘Hoax Call’ Diaries - [Episode 9]
“Where the hell is this guy? Is he alright?” asked a worried Dg“Why don’t you call Demon and check,” I suggested.Sam was Demon’s good friend and he might be with him outside college. So, D...
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The ‘Hoax Call’ Diaries - [ Episode 8]
The ‘Hoax Call’ Diaries - [ Episode 8]
College had however, suddenly changed. After Rourkella, we became quite popular in our college. People began to notice us. The result was however, a steady increase in the number of chat windows at…...
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The ‘Hoax Call’ Diaries - [ Episode 7]
The ‘Hoax Call’ Diaries - [ Episode 7]
  After the show, the drive was much needed. As soon as Daddy pressed the accelerator, we started accusing each other of making mistakes on stage. And it continued all the way. Daddy took us t…...
10 Years Ago
Twenty Five
  The story started long back, Long is the journey, Time is flowing fast, It’s already five and a twenty!   So many things to share, So  many voices in the head. So many reckless decision…...
10 Years Ago
The Last Note
The Last Note
      The paper was blank, Not even a drop of ink. Just like this life He was standing at the brink. All his thoughts had stopped, All the sorrows would end; The decision was to quit…...
10 Years Ago