Sandra Eliswa Naduvilaparambil's My Journey In Pursuit Of Happiness

As the title says, this blog is about my life and my
experiences in the journey of pursuing happiness.

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from My Journey In Pursuit Of Happiness

Of lessness,betrayal, and unwantedness
The rain pours down on you, soaking you down with its weight of lessness, betrayal and unwantedness. As the weight of the rain becomes your new choice of clothing, the heart’s blister becomes…...
8 Years Ago
The weight of the world is not love But the lovelessness in love And the plight of having to seek stars In smokey blues And letting these smoke rings lock the monkeys in your brain. The weight of t…...
8 Years Ago
Welcome to The Vortex
Hold my hand; plunge in to the vortex and let’s just turn and turn and turn and turn and make it all black. Never let go of words; of our hands so joined in this light sucking tangerined blac…...
9 Years Ago
And What Do You Say to That: A response to Carlos
  This is just to say The plums in the ice box that you ate and which you found so delicious and so sweet were left there for you to enjoy and devour.   Note to the reader: This particula…...
9 Years Ago
Washed off
Everyone has that one place that they hold dear to heart. The place where they are confident on getting around even if they were to be rendered blind. And then an old photograph pops up on Facebook…...
9 Years Ago
The Pulse
It is pulsing. Pul       Sing Pul Gaining momentum. Too thick to let go. And so it throbs. A reminder of an incessant knocking At the bottom of your spine That won’t back off. (You can squeezâ€...
9 Years Ago