Gaurav Srivastava's Me ... A Geek ... No Way!!

Short stories (55 Fiction) is what I have been writing of
late. There is a rare review post (an event, a play, a book)
Besides, travelogues find there way to my blog too.

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Me ... A Geek ... No Way!!

Plan B
Sand on the freckle near her navel glistened under the afternoon sun. With only a scanty panty and, a straw hat to cover her bosom, she lay bare with waves from the sea caressing her feet. With a s…...
11 Years Ago
The Perplexed Sky
On most occasions, everything seemed hunky-dory. On a few others, seeds of doubt sprouted. The waves of incertitude ebbed and flowed. The window was ajar and the humidity was discomforting. His gaz…...
11 Years Ago
Craving Coffee, Err No!
While sipping on his Mocha, when he looked around, he saw the usual humdrum of the Bangkok traffic on one side. On the other, he observed – a toddler apparently trying to read a magazine, wit…...
11 Years Ago
The Dress Code
Variations in the length of the skirt were conspicuous. With the tropical Bangkok weather, and otherwise too, longer ones seemed out of place. Grapevine was that the length was proportional, invers…...
11 Years Ago
A Relentless Pursuit
Like a wayward cloud, he had floated from hither to thither. Although slowing down at times, he was in a relentless pursuit. Of what? – he wasn’t too sure. He would have wanted to belie…...
12 Years Ago
Forever and, For Always
She had an uncanny knack of pulling him out of the dumps, no matter what. Her smile, her chuckle, her laugh were his lifeline. He felt smug when she emphasized that he was the reason for her joy. T…...
12 Years Ago