Sabitha Sampath's Plate

A blog on everything that runs in my head, from experiments,
to stars, to recipes, to opinions and last but not the
least, BAD DAYS!

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Plate

Saying I\'m Sorry
Not a lot of thought goes into apologies, when those apologies need to be made to yourself. Innately, we are flawed and for some of us (ahem......
2 Years Ago
Tell Me
When the memories of words you said once come drifting into my mind, lifting sanity and satisfaction. I wish I could forget. I cannot. So I ......
2 Years Ago
yes. shes the one that can wait a bit longer.  work a bit harder. understands more. knows better. matters lesser.  yes. she can hold on.  sh......
3 Years Ago
She took a puff in, and felt a burn in her chest. So hot, she felt feverish, and slipped deep into a delirium so round, so alluring, she clo......
3 Years Ago
Eulogy to PuNk Kingdom
She would take random pictures and videos of her close friends and showed them beautiful parts of themselves.  She was so cruel to herself, ......
3 Years Ago
Somedays, it's pain. Otherdays, her sisters envy, jealousy and love come to visit. The only kind siblings, were loneliness & numbness. She n......
3 Years Ago