
Sharodindu's Messenger Of Nemesis

This blog is created to cater a contrarian view of different
social, economical and cultural events. All of these are
inter related hardly can be ignored. But often we are feed
with the generic form of

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 13 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Messenger Of Nemesis

Messenger will be back soon......
13 Years Ago
Vote for BePaSa!!!
Vote for BePaSa!!!
Well! The electional atyachar is over. We have got a stable govt, an upmoving arrow in sensex and hmmm.....and wHaT? Partner for a better In......
15 Years Ago
Global Economic Slowdown: The WAR is not OVER YET!
Global Economic Slowdown: The WAR is not OVER YET!
Nemesis,according to Greek mythology, was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to overbearing pride or presumption , vengeful fate personified as a remorseless goddess. ...
16 Years Ago
SATYAM: Fall of a bang bang truck!
SATYAM: Fall of a bang bang truck!
Father : Son, tell would you describe a man who do not look at his left and right, not even care about others around him …just keep......
16 Years Ago
hi friends, I'm back... My last post was on terror and these days people are actually have enough materials to write an epic on terroris......
16 Years Ago
Terror Past Se7en: is being in 3rd world another sin?
One week is over after Delhi serial blast. Two suspects and one officer are down. 25 families are silent in sorrow and lakhs are still panic......
16 Years Ago