Shuhaib Ismail Mohd's Shuhaib Im

Covers issues relating to everones interest.

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  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Shuhaib Im

No Whispers.......
No Whispers.......
Maleiha surpassed our expectations! A town on Al Dhaid to Madam road cross on Sharjah Kalba road with newly build Mleiha Archaeological ce......
5 Years Ago
Life mantra..
Life mantra..
If you made a mistake, apologize. If you are stuck, ask for help. If you are grateful, show it. If you miss someone, reach-out to them. ......
6 Years Ago
My sight of K’aba
My sight of K’aba
The preparation for umrah travel was a period of self-fulfillment and overbearing. The wait for a long cherished dream was getting over. T......
8 Years Ago
Challenges for Indian Mutual Fund Industry in India
The Indian mutual fund industry needs to widen its range of products with affordable and competitive schemes to tap the semi-urban and rur......
12 Years Ago
Food versus fuel: The emerging debate
Following the sudden emergence of demand from the energy sector, food prices globally have spiked like never before. Concerns over shortage ......
12 Years Ago
No Whispers.......
No Whispers.......
13 Years Ago