Sindian Tadka

Sindian Tadka's Sindian Tadka

Sexual Misadventures and Fantasies of a typical Indian Male.

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Sindian Tadka

How do you invigorate yourself when you have so fully sunk into inertia? I feel I have forgotten to talk, forgotten to chat, forgotten to flirt, forgotten to write. Inertia leads to regression. Hop…...
6 Years Ago
So, after a rather nice night (cough, cough) a few nights ago, me and the Mrs. were wondering – how often do married couples have sex anyway? Reason being – we’ve been monitoring …...
6 Years Ago
I hate it so much. It happens all the time to me and I hate it. I try to fight it again and again and I always lose and I end up feeling disgusted with myself every single time. It cheapens me, it …...
6 Years Ago
D - Disheveled
Disheveled. Sometimes, some words stick. I mean, I know this word. Never used it in a conversation but yeah, I know it. And one morning, while I’m still trying to run the sleep out of my eyes…...
6 Years Ago
He gazed in wonder, as revelations he had asked for, hoped for, craved for, gazed back at him. Not only him, but the world at large. There for anyone’s taking. Ever the gentleman, he couldn&#…...
7 Years Ago
Who, me?
“Here I am, offering you to take advantage of me in every way possible, and you’re behaving like such a prude. Like, seriously!” File that under words I never expected to be addre…...
7 Years Ago