Step out !!
TIme to explore a new world time to step a little out time to break the walls time to stand a little more tall What happened till now w......
10 Years Ago
Don\'t Judge Me
When I cry I may not be sad I may not be grieved May be I am just confused I dont know whether to laugh or sit quite To stay back , Tear......
10 Years Ago
Your Colors And Mine
Yes Its a new world A new world with lots of colors Colors which are not together Colors which i find new on every step ......
12 Years Ago
Welcome 2012
waiting up for new year new year with all new things some new mornings some new nights some new encounters some new sights old year ......
12 Years Ago
Shout out aloud !!!
i had to tell the things , things that i cant tell i kept repeating them in my minds but loudly i cant yell opening mouth will mean a......
13 Years Ago
My Dear Dad
You always do like this never take me anywhere with love he held my hand took me i wanted to go where You always do like this have nev......
13 Years Ago