Soura P Dutta's Recurring Decimals

An assorted collection of random expressions!

  • Rated1.5/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Recurring Decimals

Does he?
The earth rotates from west to east, Does the sun have any option but, east to west? The mountains climb from ground upwards, Does the r......
8 Years Ago
She and He
Eyes of diamonds, skin on fire. As flashes of lightning pump her heart; Calm as the blowing breeze, She stares into the unknown! Burni......
8 Years Ago
His way...
Lovers and places - Why does he not bid them goodbye as gently as stolen kisses at crowded places?        For the storm to calm down; For......
8 Years Ago
Infinite choices...
To every choice, there is always an alternative - not necessarily better or worse, but something that holds equal value. - To Tea ther......
8 Years Ago
It’s Time!
For me it is synonymous with fun, friends, boring lectures, fests, awkward dates, crazy night outs, bad decisions, wild experiences, spont......
8 Years Ago
The What?
The history of the world is just the story of a handful of great men and women. I have often wondered what stardust these legends ar......
8 Years Ago