Amit Singh's Code Jotter

Starting this blog so that ill have a some web space where i
can put down my programming experiences for future refrence!

  • Rated2.3/ 5
  • Updated 14 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Code Jotter

Camera mount for EasyStar
Camera mount for EasyStar
Made a camera mount for EasyStar out of scrap coro. This is for my sony cybershot WX1 camera. Many more improvements are pending, like a velcro strap and a servo for the trigger. Made a test run to…...
14 Years Ago
Finally got my first electric flying
Finally got my first electric flying
This week end I had the plane ready to fly, all fixed up, vertical stab removed and re-glued. Did some test glides in the bushes but it kept banking to the right. Any ways I decided to give it a tr…...
14 Years Ago
New plane, new crash
New plane, new crash
Due to lots of crashes and other dangers and inconveniences involving heavy engine powered planes, I have finally decided to try my hand in electric powered planes. For the first plane I decided to…...
14 Years Ago
Update column with incrementing number
Today a friend of mine was stunned by an update statement I wrote which updated a column by incrementing values. Actually it’s a very simple update statement construct but according to my friend, nâ...
14 Years Ago
Moon and Venus
Moon and Venus
Last night I took a picture of the Moon with Venus just above the horizon. The picture has lots of noise and is in no way a good capture of the Moon. But considering the fact that it was taken with…...
14 Years Ago
Twenty Ten, new default theme for WordPress
Twenty Ten, new default theme for WordPress
Just noticed that the Twenty Ten theme is up on wordpress.com. I have been waiting for this for a long time now. The theme is clean and sharp like the famous misty looks theme. How ever the most at…...
14 Years Ago