Venkata Sashank's Sashank's Learnings

The learnings of an entrepreneur, founder of 2 companies.
Learnings as a Management Consultant and a Social Media
strategist who is very interested in SMEs.

  • Rated2.4/ 5
  • Updated 13 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Sashank's Learnings

A new blog for a new purpose
I began blogging in 2008, the year I passed out of college, at sashanktalks.wordpress.com The motivation for blogging was to build a ‘personal brand’. I realized that the only way I could do that ...
13 Years Ago
My relationship with Steve Jobs
My relationship with Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs has been famous for a long time, but how does that matter? I heard about him as a child, it didnt matter. When I got my first PC, apple was an expensive useless alternate. Steve Jobs was…...
13 Years Ago
Entrepreneurial Mindset
I had made this presentation in May 2011 for a group of young people aspiring to become Transformational Leaders. It was part of a workshop on “Creative Entrepreneurship” where we helpe…...
13 Years Ago
An Entrepreneur’s Life
 1. A Sense of Possibility For an entrepreneur, optimism abounds. Ideas dance like Wordsworth’s daffodils. It is an Open World. It is a world brimming with opportunities. There is a feeling t…...
13 Years Ago
3 years of Management Consulting - Awesome Journey
Today marks 3yrs of “professional” working life and 3yrs of Management Consulting. It had been just 5 days since my last working day at college and I was in a dream job at Milagrow. Mor…...
13 Years Ago
Design Thinking - The way of Leaders
Design Thinking - The way of Leaders
Design thinking has quickly become a norm in the world. Much is being said and talked about. I came across the term “Design Thinking” about 6 months ago when Santhan spoke about how the…...
13 Years Ago