गंगा नहाले तु
गंगा नहाले तु अपनी चलाले तु दिल की बाज़ी में मुझको मोहरा बनाले तु... जा छोड़ द...
8 Years Ago
गंगा नहाले तु
Thus Wrote Tan | Tiny Stories, Poems and Thoughts of Tanmoy Das | Indian Author's Blog | Colors of Life in Black and White...
8 Years Ago
हमारे दिल की खबर न पूछो
हमारे दिल की खबर न पूछो, लाओ जाम भर दो ए साकी, यूँ जल चूका हैं प्यार में दिल ये,...
9 Years Ago
हमारे दिल की खबर न पूछो
Thus Wrote Tan | Tiny Stories, Poems and Thoughts of Tanmoy Das | Indian Author's Blog | Colors of Life in Black and White...
9 Years Ago
Today, I feel like
Today, I feel like a tissue paper Held close, Fresh and delicate And then? Pulled out frantically, Used viciously And thrown into the bin, ......
14 Years Ago
Today, I feel like
Thus Wrote Tan | Tiny Stories, Poems and Thoughts of Tanmoy Das | Indian Author's Blog | Colors of Life in Black and White...
14 Years Ago